レス数が 100 を超えています。残念ながら全部は表示しません。
大好きな犬の匂いを嗅ぎまくって犬にドン引きされる猫 The cat who likes dogs smell
大好きな犬の匂いを嗅ぎまくって犬にドン引きされる猫 The cat who likes dogs smell
※省略されてます すべて表示...
柴犬と黒猫・雪の日の奇跡。Dog and cat meet the snowman

柴犬と黒猫・雪の日の奇跡。Dog and cat meet the snowman
柴犬流人生の楽しみ方 Shiba Inu's beautiful life

柴犬流人生の楽しみ方 Shiba Inu's beautiful life
頼もしすぎて愛おしい自宅警備隊 Working dog and cat

頼もしすぎて愛おしい自宅警備隊 Working dog and cat
もも天劇場 お芋を食べよう Give us sweet potatoes

もも天劇場 お芋を食べよう Give us sweet potatoes
朝が弱い犬と朝だけ元気な猫。 Dog and Cat in the rainy morning

朝が弱い犬と朝だけ元気な猫。 Dog and Cat in the rainy morning
よしよしよし… よしよしよし…
顔をなでようとすると巧みにお尻へ誘導する柴犬 My dog wants me to rub her rump

顔をなでようとすると巧みにお尻へ誘導する柴犬 My dog wants me to rub her rump
なめ猫 ならぬ ”なめ犬”…?
大好きな猫が散歩から帰ってきた時の犬の反応? Dog grooming cat.

大好きな猫が散歩から帰ってきた時の犬の反応? Dog grooming cat.
今こそ出番だ、行け! 癒し隊諸君!!
飼い主の帰宅にはしゃぐ柴犬とスマートに出迎える猫 Dog and Cats welcoming owners home

飼い主の帰宅にはしゃぐ柴犬とスマートに出迎える猫 Dog and Cats welcoming owners home
猫の耳舐めを禁止されてスネる柴犬 Sulking dog

猫の耳舐めを禁止されてスネる柴犬 Sulking dog
天へのプレゼント…しか〜し、喜んだのはあいつだけでした( ^ω^)・・・。
猫の誕生日をお祝いする、の巻 Happy 3rd birthday

天へのプレゼント…しか〜し、喜んだのはあいつだけでした( ^ω^)・・・。
猫の誕生日をお祝いする、の巻 Happy 3rd birthday
“Back To 2015” (1)
【子猫時代】網戸攻略編 SPY CAT 1(Ten's kittenhood)

【子猫時代】網戸攻略編 SPY CAT 1(Ten's kittenhood)
“Back To 2015” (2)
【子猫時代】脱走編 SPY CAT 2(Ten's kittenhood)

【子猫時代】脱走編 SPY CAT 2(Ten's kittenhood)
“Back To 2015” (3)
天の酔拳 “Don’t Think, Feel !”
【子猫時代】功夫修行編 Kung fu Cat(Ten's kittenhood)

天の酔拳 “Don’t Think, Feel !”
【子猫時代】功夫修行編 Kung fu Cat(Ten's kittenhood)
パパの帰宅とママの帰宅 Welcome home!!
2018/05/05 に公開
ママが帰ってきた時よりパパが帰って来た時の方が嬉しそうだったな〜なんて( ;∀;)あははあはは

2018/05/05 に公開
ママが帰ってきた時よりパパが帰って来た時の方が嬉しそうだったな〜なんて( ;∀;)あははあはは
毛づくろいに満足して犬の尻枕で寝る猫 Cat grooming

毛づくろいに満足して犬の尻枕で寝る猫 Cat grooming
久しぶりに会った大好きなおばあちゃんに激しいキスの嵐 I love you, Grandma!
視聴回数 29,961 回
The Rolling Stones - Miss You - OFFICIAL PROMO - YouTube
I've been holding out so long
I've been sleeping all alone
Lord I miss you
I've been hanging on the phone
I've been sleeping all alone
I want to kiss you
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh ...

視聴回数 29,961 回
The Rolling Stones - Miss You - OFFICIAL PROMO - YouTube
I've been holding out so long
I've been sleeping all alone
Lord I miss you
I've been hanging on the phone
I've been sleeping all alone
I want to kiss you
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh ...
久しぶりに会った大好きなおばあちゃんに激しいキスの嵐 I love you, Grandma!
The Rolling Stones - Miss You - OFFICIAL PROMO - YouTube
I've been holding out so long
I've been sleeping all alone
Lord I miss you
I've been hanging on the phone
I've been sleeping all alone
I want to kiss you
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh ...

久しぶりに会った大好きなおばあちゃんに激しいキスの嵐 I love you, Grandma!
The Rolling Stones - Miss You - OFFICIAL PROMO - YouTube
I've been holding out so long
I've been sleeping all alone
Lord I miss you
I've been hanging on the phone
I've been sleeping all alone
I want to kiss you
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh ...
パパともものよく分からない遊び Playing with dog

パパともものよく分からない遊び Playing with dog
犬は車の音がしなくても飼い主の帰宅に気付く?Dog and cat waiting for owner to get home

猫がいない Where's my cat?
私のお部屋の前で 鳴かないでくださいニャ
そこに私はいません 眠ってなんかいません
天の風に 天の風になって この畳の上を のし歩いています〜♪

私のお部屋の前で 鳴かないでくださいニャ
そこに私はいません 眠ってなんかいません
天の風に 天の風になって この畳の上を のし歩いています〜♪

俺らこんな病院いやだ〜 俺らこんな病院いやだ〜
東京へ出るだ〜 東京へ出だなら 銭コア貯めで
東京で牛(ベコ)飼うだぇが ハァ〜♪
もう帰るー!病院から今すぐ逃げ出したくて仕方ない柴犬 The dog which hate the veterinary clinic.

東京へ出るだ〜 東京へ出だなら 銭コア貯めで
東京で牛(ベコ)飼うだぇが ハァ〜♪
もう帰るー!病院から今すぐ逃げ出したくて仕方ない柴犬 The dog which hate the veterinary clinic.
空気を読んでパパとママ両方にお手をする柴犬 Priceless moment in the morning.

空気を読んでパパとママ両方にお手をする柴犬 Priceless moment in the morning.
わざわざ一緒のハウスで寝ようとする柴犬と黒猫 Dog and Cat want to sleep together
くだらない事だって 二人で笑えたね〜♪
The Beatles - Good Night

くだらない事だって 二人で笑えたね〜♪
The Beatles - Good Night
寝かしつけ上手な柴犬とちゃっかり添い寝する黒猫 Dog put her owner to sleep
The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping - YouTube
When I wake up early in the morning
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream (Float up stream)
Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me
Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping ...

The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping - YouTube
When I wake up early in the morning
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream (Float up stream)
Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me
Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping ...
寝かしつけ上手な柴犬とちゃっかり添い寝する黒猫 Dog put her owner to sleep
The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping - YouTube
When I wake up early in the morning
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream (Float up stream)
Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me
Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping ...

寝かしつけ上手な柴犬とちゃっかり添い寝する黒猫 Dog put her owner to sleep
The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping - YouTube
When I wake up early in the morning
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream (Float up stream)
Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me
Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping ...
Dig it! Dig it! Dig it! ...
一生懸命お布団掘りをした後の激かわあご乗せ Cute dog digging the bed
The Beatles - Dig It
Like a rolling stone
A like a rolling stone
Like the FBI and the CIA
And the BBC, BB King
And Doris Day
Matt Busby
Dig it, dig it, dig it
Dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it ...
"That was 'Can You Dig It' by Georgie Wood.
And now we'd like to do 'Hark The Angels Come'."

Dig it! Dig it! Dig it! ...
一生懸命お布団掘りをした後の激かわあご乗せ Cute dog digging the bed
The Beatles - Dig It
Like a rolling stone
A like a rolling stone
Like the FBI and the CIA
And the BBC, BB King
And Doris Day
Matt Busby
Dig it, dig it, dig it
Dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it ...
"That was 'Can You Dig It' by Georgie Wood.
And now we'd like to do 'Hark The Angels Come'."
出かける飼い主を切なげに目で追い続ける柴犬 Dog staring at her owner
The Beatles - I've Just Seen A Face - YouTube
I've Just Seen A Face
I've just seen a face,
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just met.
She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, mm-mm-mm-m'mm-mm
2018/05/30 に公開

The Beatles - I've Just Seen A Face - YouTube
I've Just Seen A Face
I've just seen a face,
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just met.
She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, mm-mm-mm-m'mm-mm
2018/05/30 に公開
My Baby Baby Balla Balla My Baby Baby Balla Balla
My Baby Baby Balla Balla (Foooh!) Balla Balla ...
あじさいが綺麗なバラ園でお散歩 Walk in the rose garden with dog and cat
The Rainbows - My Baby Baby Balla Balla (1966)_HQ ? YouTube
ローズ・ガーデン/リン・アンダーソン Rose Garden/Lynn Anderson
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain some time
When you take you gotta give so live and let live or let go
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden
I could promise you things like big diamond rings
But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover
So you better think it over ...

My Baby Baby Balla Balla (Foooh!) Balla Balla ...
あじさいが綺麗なバラ園でお散歩 Walk in the rose garden with dog and cat
The Rainbows - My Baby Baby Balla Balla (1966)_HQ ? YouTube
ローズ・ガーデン/リン・アンダーソン Rose Garden/Lynn Anderson
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain some time
When you take you gotta give so live and let live or let go
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden
I could promise you things like big diamond rings
But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover
So you better think it over ...
猫の毛づくろいにモゾモゾしちゃう柴犬ととても満足げな猫 Cat grooms dog
The Doors - Touch Me (1969) HQ
"Touch Me"
Yeah! Come on, come on, come on, come on
Now touch me, babe
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that you made?
Now, I'm going to love you
Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm going to love you
Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I ...

The Doors - Touch Me (1969) HQ
"Touch Me"
Yeah! Come on, come on, come on, come on
Now touch me, babe
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that you made?
Now, I'm going to love you
Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm going to love you
Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I ...
「遊ぼう」のプレッシャーがハンパない柴犬 Play with me!
“Play With Me” by Jeff Beck, from the album “Wired”
Jeff Beck - Play With Me

“Play With Me” by Jeff Beck, from the album “Wired”
Jeff Beck - Play With Me
"シュールな" 猫枕にメロメロ…。
犬をメロメロにする猫枕 Cat pillow
“Surrealistic Pillow” by Jefferson Airplane
Jefferson Airplane ? “Surrealistic Pillow” (1967) FULL ALBUM Vinyl Rip

犬をメロメロにする猫枕 Cat pillow
“Surrealistic Pillow” by Jefferson Airplane
Jefferson Airplane ? “Surrealistic Pillow” (1967) FULL ALBUM Vinyl Rip
猫が好きすぎて離したくない柴犬 dog and cat are best friend
"I Can't Quit You Baby" by Led Zeppelin
Live at the Royal Albert Hall on 9 January, 1970
Led Zeppelin-I Can't Quit You Babe Live with lyrics
I... I can't quit you baby
So I'm gonna put you down for awhile
I said I can't quit you baby
I guess I gotta put you down for awhile
Said you messed up my happy home
Made me mistreat my only child
Yes sir you did! ...

"I Can't Quit You Baby" by Led Zeppelin
Live at the Royal Albert Hall on 9 January, 1970
Led Zeppelin-I Can't Quit You Babe Live with lyrics
I... I can't quit you baby
So I'm gonna put you down for awhile
I said I can't quit you baby
I guess I gotta put you down for awhile
Said you messed up my happy home
Made me mistreat my only child
Yes sir you did! ...
猫のスンスンに耐えきれなかった柴犬 Cat sniffing dog's smell persistently
“Black Cat Moan”
From Beck Bogert & Appice Live in Japan
Beck Bogert & Appice - Black Cat Moan (Live)
"Black Cat Moan"
Laying by the side of the road
With the diesels flying by
Looks like my head is gonna roll
Don't know the reasons why
Got the black cat moan
Got the black cat moan
Got the black cat moan 'cause I wanna go home
Got the black cat moan ...

“Black Cat Moan”
From Beck Bogert & Appice Live in Japan
Beck Bogert & Appice - Black Cat Moan (Live)
"Black Cat Moan"
Laying by the side of the road
With the diesels flying by
Looks like my head is gonna roll
Don't know the reasons why
Got the black cat moan
Got the black cat moan
Got the black cat moan 'cause I wanna go home
Got the black cat moan ...
柴犬VS飼い主。猫は加勢…しない? Play with my dog
"The Cat" by Jimmy Smith
from his album "The Cat" (1964)
Jimmy Smith _ The Cat (1964) - JamilSR

"The Cat" by Jimmy Smith
from his album "The Cat" (1964)
Jimmy Smith _ The Cat (1964) - JamilSR
"The Cat" by Jimmy Smith (organ)
from his album "The Cat" (1964)
Jimmy Smith _ The Cat (1964) - JamilSR

from his album "The Cat" (1964)
Jimmy Smith _ The Cat (1964) - JamilSR
雨の日の少しセンチな柴犬と黒猫 Rainy day
"Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head" by B.J.Thomas
映画「明日に向って撃て」"Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"(1969年)より
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid / 明日に向って撃て
雨に濡れても [日本語訳付き] B.J.トーマス
Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
Because I'm free, 'cause nothing's worrying me ...
It won't be long 'till happiness steps up to greet me ...

"Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head" by B.J.Thomas
映画「明日に向って撃て」"Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"(1969年)より
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid / 明日に向って撃て
雨に濡れても [日本語訳付き] B.J.トーマス
Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
Because I'm free, 'cause nothing's worrying me ...
It won't be long 'till happiness steps up to greet me ...
うちの猫、ちゅーる食べるのヘタかもしれない Cat eating a Ciao Churu
“Cat Food” / King Crimson
TV performance for Top Of The Pops March 1970
「キャット・フード」/ キング・クリムゾン
King Crimson w Greg Lake-Cat Food-Top Of The Pops March 1970 ...
“Cat Food”
No use to complain
If you're caught out in the rain
Your mother's quite insane
Cat Food, Cat Food, Cat Food, Again?

“Cat Food” / King Crimson
TV performance for Top Of The Pops March 1970
「キャット・フード」/ キング・クリムゾン
King Crimson w Greg Lake-Cat Food-Top Of The Pops March 1970 ...
“Cat Food”
No use to complain
If you're caught out in the rain
Your mother's quite insane
Cat Food, Cat Food, Cat Food, Again?
うちの猫、ちゅーる食べるのヘタかもしれない Cat eating a Ciao Churu
“Cat Food” / King Crimson
TV performance for Top Of The Pops March 1970
「キャット・フード」/ キング・クリムゾン
King Crimson w Greg Lake-Cat Food-Top Of The Pops March 1970 ...
“Cat Food”
No use to complain
If you're caught out in the rain
Your mother's quite insane
Cat Food, Cat Food, Cat Food, Again?

うちの猫、ちゅーる食べるのヘタかもしれない Cat eating a Ciao Churu
“Cat Food” / King Crimson
TV performance for Top Of The Pops March 1970
「キャット・フード」/ キング・クリムゾン
King Crimson w Greg Lake-Cat Food-Top Of The Pops March 1970 ...
“Cat Food”
No use to complain
If you're caught out in the rain
Your mother's quite insane
Cat Food, Cat Food, Cat Food, Again?
柴犬と黒猫の日曜日 Lazy sunday cat and dog
“Lazy Sunday Afternoon” by The Small Faces
From “Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake”(1968)
The Small Faces - Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Lazy Sunday afternoon
I've got no mind to worry
Close my eyes and drift away
'ere we all are, sitting in a rainbow
Gor blimey hello Mrs Jones, how's your Bert's lumbago? (mustn't grumble)
I'll sing you a song with no words and no tune
To sing in your khazi while you suss out the moon, oh yeah!
Lazy Sunday afternoon
I've got no mind to worry
Close my eyes and drift away...

“Lazy Sunday Afternoon” by The Small Faces
From “Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake”(1968)
The Small Faces - Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Lazy Sunday afternoon
I've got no mind to worry
Close my eyes and drift away
'ere we all are, sitting in a rainbow
Gor blimey hello Mrs Jones, how's your Bert's lumbago? (mustn't grumble)
I'll sing you a song with no words and no tune
To sing in your khazi while you suss out the moon, oh yeah!
Lazy Sunday afternoon
I've got no mind to worry
Close my eyes and drift away...
いちゃついてる間に眠くなってきた柴犬と黒猫 Dog and Cat snuggle together
“Sleepy Time Time” by Cream
Live @ (Royal Albert Hall 2005)
Cream - Sleepy Time Time (Royal Albert Hall 2005) (5 of 22)
I'm a sleepy time baby, a sleepy time boy
Work only maybe, life is a joy
I have my Sunday, that ain't no lie
But on Monday morning comes my favorite cry
We'll have a sleepy time time
We'll have a sleepy time time
We'll have a sleepy time time
We'll have a sleepy time time
Sleepy time time, sleepy time all the time ...

“Sleepy Time Time” by Cream
Live @ (Royal Albert Hall 2005)
Cream - Sleepy Time Time (Royal Albert Hall 2005) (5 of 22)
I'm a sleepy time baby, a sleepy time boy
Work only maybe, life is a joy
I have my Sunday, that ain't no lie
But on Monday morning comes my favorite cry
We'll have a sleepy time time
We'll have a sleepy time time
We'll have a sleepy time time
We'll have a sleepy time time
Sleepy time time, sleepy time all the time ...
犬ってやっぱり最高って思う瞬間 Playful dog
“See Emily Play” by Pink Floyd
From Album “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn” (1967)
Syd Barrett /Pink Floyd - "See Emily Play" & "Apples And Oranges"
“See Emily Play”
Emily tries but misunderstands (ah ooh)
She's often inclined to borrow somebody’s dreams 'til tomorrow
There is no other day
Let’s try it another way
You’ll lose your mind and play
Free games for May
See Emily play ...

“See Emily Play” by Pink Floyd
From Album “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn” (1967)
Syd Barrett /Pink Floyd - "See Emily Play" & "Apples And Oranges"
“See Emily Play”
Emily tries but misunderstands (ah ooh)
She's often inclined to borrow somebody’s dreams 'til tomorrow
There is no other day
Let’s try it another way
You’ll lose your mind and play
Free games for May
See Emily play ...
犬ってやっぱり最高って思う瞬間 Playful dog
“See Emily Play”by Pink Floyd
From Album “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn”
Syd Barrett /Pink Floyd - "See Emily Play" & "Apples And Oranges"
“See Emily Play”
Emily tries but misunderstands (ah ooh)
She's often inclined to borrow somebody’s dreams 'til tomorrow
There is no other day
Let’s try it another way
You’ll lose your mind and play
Free games for May
See Emily play ...

“See Emily Play”by Pink Floyd
From Album “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn”
Syd Barrett /Pink Floyd - "See Emily Play" & "Apples And Oranges"
“See Emily Play”
Emily tries but misunderstands (ah ooh)
She's often inclined to borrow somebody’s dreams 'til tomorrow
There is no other day
Let’s try it another way
You’ll lose your mind and play
Free games for May
See Emily play ...
猫って本当につれない。←だがそれがいい Capricious cat
“Cat Moves” / Cozy Powell
From the 1981 album ''Tilt''
Cozy Powell - Cat Moves
Jeff Beck / Guitars
Jack Bruce / Bass
John Cook / Keyboards, moog bass
David Sancious / Synthesiser
Cozy Powell / Drums

“Cat Moves” / Cozy Powell
From the 1981 album ''Tilt''
Cozy Powell - Cat Moves
Jeff Beck / Guitars
Jack Bruce / Bass
John Cook / Keyboards, moog bass
David Sancious / Synthesiser
Cozy Powell / Drums
お出かけ時の犬と猫の反応が違いすぎて可愛い Dog and Cat reaction: where do you go?
“Psychotic Reaction” by Count Five (1966)
Count Five - Psychotic Reaction (1966) HQ
“Psychotic Reaction”
I feel depressed, I feel so bad
'Cause you're the best girl that I ever had
I can't get your love, I can't get a fraction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction
(Shouted) And it feels like this!
I feel so lonely night and day
I can't get your love, I must stay away
I need you girl, by my side
Uh-oh, little girl, would you like to take a ride, now
I can't get your love, I can't get satisfaction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction…

“Psychotic Reaction” by Count Five (1966)
Count Five - Psychotic Reaction (1966) HQ
“Psychotic Reaction”
I feel depressed, I feel so bad
'Cause you're the best girl that I ever had
I can't get your love, I can't get a fraction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction
(Shouted) And it feels like this!
I feel so lonely night and day
I can't get your love, I must stay away
I need you girl, by my side
Uh-oh, little girl, would you like to take a ride, now
I can't get your love, I can't get satisfaction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction…
お出かけ時の犬と猫の反応が違いすぎて可愛い Dog and Cat reaction: where do you go?
“Psychotic Reaction” by Count Five (1966)
Count Five - Psychotic Reaction (1966) HQ
“Psychotic Reaction”
I feel depressed, I feel so bad
'Cause you're the best girl that I ever had
I can't get your love, I can't get a fraction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction
(Shouted) And it feels like this!
I feel so lonely night and day
I can't get your love, I must stay away
I need you girl, by my side
Uh-oh, little girl, would you like to take a ride, now
I can't get your love, I can't get satisfaction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction…

“Psychotic Reaction” by Count Five (1966)
Count Five - Psychotic Reaction (1966) HQ
“Psychotic Reaction”
I feel depressed, I feel so bad
'Cause you're the best girl that I ever had
I can't get your love, I can't get a fraction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction
(Shouted) And it feels like this!
I feel so lonely night and day
I can't get your love, I must stay away
I need you girl, by my side
Uh-oh, little girl, would you like to take a ride, now
I can't get your love, I can't get satisfaction
Uh-oh, little girl, psychotic reaction…
【西郷どんロケ地】棚田でお散歩 Dog and Cat walk in the rice terrace.
世界大物節 / 大川加寿也 (1966年4月25日)
大物は〜 天下の為には身命投げる
明治の維新に のろしをあげた
西郷隆盛 日本一〜♪

世界大物節 / 大川加寿也 (1966年4月25日)
大物は〜 天下の為には身命投げる
明治の維新に のろしをあげた
西郷隆盛 日本一〜♪
散歩をサボろうとする柴犬に「猫を連れて行く」と言ってみた Its time for a walk!
“Dear Prudence” The Beatles
from The Beatles(White Album) 1968
Beatles / Dear Prudence, Rishikesh '68
Dear Prudence let me see you smile
Dear Prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play…

“Dear Prudence” The Beatles
from The Beatles(White Album) 1968
Beatles / Dear Prudence, Rishikesh '68
Dear Prudence let me see you smile
Dear Prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play…
ドライブだー♪出発が待てずに寝ちゃう犬と猫 Drive with my dog and cat
“Drive My Car” The Beatles
From Album “Rubber Soul” (1965)
The Beatles - Drive My Car
I told a girl I can start right away
And she said listen babe I got something to say
I got no car and it's breaking my heart
But I've found a driver and that's a start
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah ...

“Drive My Car” The Beatles
From Album “Rubber Soul” (1965)
The Beatles - Drive My Car
I told a girl I can start right away
And she said listen babe I got something to say
I got no car and it's breaking my heart
But I've found a driver and that's a start
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah ...
海に興味津々の猫、そうでもない犬 Cat looked at the sea curiously
“Sea of Joy” by Blind Faith
(Blind Faith Live at London's Hyde Park, 1969)
Blind Faith - Sea of Joy
Blind Faith ? Sea of Joy
Following the shadows of the skies
or are they only figments of my eyes?
And I'm feeling close to where the race is run
Waiting in our boats to set sail, sea of joy...
Once the door swings open into space
and I'm already waiting in disguise
Or is it just a thorn between my eyes?
Waiting in our boats to set sail, sea of joy
Having trouble coming through,
through this concrete, blocks my view
And it's all because of you
Or is it just a thorn between my eyes?
Waiting in our boats to set sail, sea of joy...

“Sea of Joy” by Blind Faith
(Blind Faith Live at London's Hyde Park, 1969)
Blind Faith - Sea of Joy
Blind Faith ? Sea of Joy
Following the shadows of the skies
or are they only figments of my eyes?
And I'm feeling close to where the race is run
Waiting in our boats to set sail, sea of joy...
Once the door swings open into space
and I'm already waiting in disguise
Or is it just a thorn between my eyes?
Waiting in our boats to set sail, sea of joy
Having trouble coming through,
through this concrete, blocks my view
And it's all because of you
Or is it just a thorn between my eyes?
Waiting in our boats to set sail, sea of joy...
スイカを食べよう(*^◯^*) Dog and cat eating watermelon
"Watermelon Man" by Herbie Hancock
From his 1st Album “Takin' Off” (1962)
Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man (1962)
"Watermelon Man" by Manfred Mann
(TV appearance @“Shindig”1966)
manfred mann watermelon man shindig 1966 - YouTube
"Watermelon Man"
Hey, watermelon man
Hey, watermelon man
Give me one that rattles when you lug it
One that's red and juicy when you pluck it
Do you understand, watermelon man?
Hey, watermelon man
Hey, watermelon man
Hot and bothered, need a little cooling
When I hear your call I start to drooling
Do you understand, watermelon Man?
Hmm, watermelon ...

"Watermelon Man" by Herbie Hancock
From his 1st Album “Takin' Off” (1962)
Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man (1962)
"Watermelon Man" by Manfred Mann
(TV appearance @“Shindig”1966)
manfred mann watermelon man shindig 1966 - YouTube
"Watermelon Man"
Hey, watermelon man
Hey, watermelon man
Give me one that rattles when you lug it
One that's red and juicy when you pluck it
Do you understand, watermelon man?
Hey, watermelon man
Hey, watermelon man
Hot and bothered, need a little cooling
When I hear your call I start to drooling
Do you understand, watermelon Man?
Hmm, watermelon ...
雨の日はお家で仲良く・・・ How to enjoy a rainy day at home
“I Get The Blues When It Rains” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
雨のブルース -スー・レイニー
“Rain on the Roof” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
Rain on the Roof
You and me and rain on the roof
Caught up in a summer shower
Dryin' while it soaks the flowers
Maybe we'll be caught for hours
Waitin' out the sun
You and me were gabbin' away
Dreamy conversation sittin' in the hay
Honey, how long was I laughing in the rain with you
'Cause I didn't feel a drop 'til the thunder brought us to...

“I Get The Blues When It Rains” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
雨のブルース -スー・レイニー
“Rain on the Roof” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
Rain on the Roof
You and me and rain on the roof
Caught up in a summer shower
Dryin' while it soaks the flowers
Maybe we'll be caught for hours
Waitin' out the sun
You and me were gabbin' away
Dreamy conversation sittin' in the hay
Honey, how long was I laughing in the rain with you
'Cause I didn't feel a drop 'til the thunder brought us to...
雨の日はお家で仲良く・・・ How to enjoy a rainy day at home
“I Get The Blues When It Rains” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
雨のブルース -スー・レイニー
“Rain on the Roof” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
Rain on the Roof
You and me and rain on the roof
Caught up in a summer shower
Dryin' while it soaks the flowers
Maybe we'll be caught for hours
Waitin' out the sun
You and me were gabbin' away
Dreamy conversation sittin' in the hay
Honey, how long was I laughing in the rain with you
'Cause I didn't feel a drop 'til the thunder brought us to...

“I Get The Blues When It Rains” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
雨のブルース -スー・レイニー
“Rain on the Roof” by Sue Raney
From her 2nd Album “Songs for a Raney Day” (1960)
Rain on the Roof
You and me and rain on the roof
Caught up in a summer shower
Dryin' while it soaks the flowers
Maybe we'll be caught for hours
Waitin' out the sun
You and me were gabbin' away
Dreamy conversation sittin' in the hay
Honey, how long was I laughing in the rain with you
'Cause I didn't feel a drop 'til the thunder brought us to...
猫とおもちゃ。これでも上手に遊べるようになった方 Cat Playing with toys
“Joy Of A Toy Continued” by Kevin Ayers
From his 1st Solo Album『おもちゃの歓び』-“Joy of A Toy” (1969)
Here come the elephants and tigers
Here come the kangaroo
Anyone can go to the circus
It's up to you
Mom (?) it's up to you
Bring your sister and your brother
You can even bring your mother...

“Joy Of A Toy Continued” by Kevin Ayers
From his 1st Solo Album『おもちゃの歓び』-“Joy of A Toy” (1969)
Here come the elephants and tigers
Here come the kangaroo
Anyone can go to the circus
It's up to you
Mom (?) it's up to you
Bring your sister and your brother
You can even bring your mother...
猫とおもちゃ。これでも上手に遊べるようになった方 Cat Playing with toys
“Joy Of A Toy Continued” by Kevin Ayers
From his 1st Solo Album『おもちゃの歓び』-“Joy of A Toy” (1969)
Here come the elephants and tigers
Here come the kangaroo
Anyone can go to the circus
It's up to you
Mom (?) it's up to you
Bring your sister and your brother
You can even bring your mother...

“Joy Of A Toy Continued” by Kevin Ayers
From his 1st Solo Album『おもちゃの歓び』-“Joy of A Toy” (1969)
Here come the elephants and tigers
Here come the kangaroo
Anyone can go to the circus
It's up to you
Mom (?) it's up to you
Bring your sister and your brother
You can even bring your mother...
【猫】起きた!いやまた寝るんかーい (ノ_ _)ノ Cat sleep a lot
ライオンは寝ている【訳詞付】- The Tokens
“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by The Tokens (1961)
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the quiet jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh ...

ライオンは寝ている【訳詞付】- The Tokens
“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by The Tokens (1961)
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the quiet jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh ...
柴犬ももとお友達 Shiba Inu MOMO's friends
Friends - Led Zeppelin (live Osaka 1971-09-29)
“Friends” - Led Zeppelin (Live in Osaka 1971-09-29)
Osaka Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan. 29th September 1971
(Only Known Live performance of this song)
Friends- Led Zeppelin Lyrics
Mmm, I'm telling you now
The greatest thing you ever can do now
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now
It's very easy just
Met a man on the roadside crying
Without a friend, there's no denying
You're incomplete, they'll be no finding
Looking for what you knew
So anytime somebody needs you
Don't let them down, although it grieves you
Some day you'll need someone like they do
Looking for what you knew ...

Friends - Led Zeppelin (live Osaka 1971-09-29)
“Friends” - Led Zeppelin (Live in Osaka 1971-09-29)
Osaka Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan. 29th September 1971
(Only Known Live performance of this song)
Friends- Led Zeppelin Lyrics
Mmm, I'm telling you now
The greatest thing you ever can do now
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now
It's very easy just
Met a man on the roadside crying
Without a friend, there's no denying
You're incomplete, they'll be no finding
Looking for what you knew
So anytime somebody needs you
Don't let them down, although it grieves you
Some day you'll need someone like they do
Looking for what you knew ...
柴犬ももとお友達 Shiba Inu MOMO's friends
“Friends” - Led Zeppelin (Live in Osaka 1971-09-29)
Osaka Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan. 29th September 1971
(Only Known Live performance of this song)
Friends - Led Zeppelin (live Osaka 1971-09-29)
Friends- Led Zeppelin Lyrics
Mmm, I'm telling you now
The greatest thing you ever can do now
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now
It's very easy just
Met a man on the roadside crying
Without a friend, there's no denying
You're incomplete, they'll be no finding
Looking for what you knew
So anytime somebody needs you
Don't let them down, although it grieves you
Some day you'll need someone like they do
Looking for what you knew ...

“Friends” - Led Zeppelin (Live in Osaka 1971-09-29)
Osaka Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan. 29th September 1971
(Only Known Live performance of this song)
Friends - Led Zeppelin (live Osaka 1971-09-29)
Friends- Led Zeppelin Lyrics
Mmm, I'm telling you now
The greatest thing you ever can do now
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now
It's very easy just
Met a man on the roadside crying
Without a friend, there's no denying
You're incomplete, they'll be no finding
Looking for what you knew
So anytime somebody needs you
Don't let them down, although it grieves you
Some day you'll need someone like they do
Looking for what you knew ...
柴犬と黒猫 何でもないけど特別な今日 Momo and Ten's daily life
“A Day In The Life” - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
The Beatles - A Day In The Life - YouTube
"Sugarplum fairy, sugarplum fairy"
I read the news today, oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords
I saw a film today, oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on ...

“A Day In The Life” - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
The Beatles - A Day In The Life - YouTube
"Sugarplum fairy, sugarplum fairy"
I read the news today, oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords
I saw a film today, oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on ...
柴犬と黒猫 何でもないけど特別な今日 Momo and Ten's daily life
“A Day In The Life” - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
The Beatles - A Day In The Life - YouTube
"Sugarplum fairy, sugarplum fairy"
I read the news today, oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords
I saw a film today, oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on ...

“A Day In The Life” - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
The Beatles - A Day In The Life - YouTube
"Sugarplum fairy, sugarplum fairy"
I read the news today, oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords
I saw a film today, oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on ...
狩の練習をする子猫に付き合わされる柴犬 kitten training to hunt
"The Hunter" by Albert King
From Album "Born Under a Bad Sign" (1967)
Albert King - The Hunter
“The Hunter” by Free
Live at Locarno Fillmore North January 1970
FREE - The Hunter (Live)
"The Hunter"
They call me the hunter
That's my name
A pretty little woman like you
Is my only game
I bought me a love gun
Just the other day
And I aim to aim it your way
Ain't no use to hide
Ain't no use to run
'Cause I got you in the sight
Of my girly gun
The first time I saw you
Standing on the street
I said to myself
Oh, ain't she sweet
I got my love gun loaded
With hundreds of kisses
Soon as I pull the trigger baby
There will be no misses
Ain't no use to hide
Ain't no use to run
'Cause I got you in the sight
Of my girly gun ...

"The Hunter" by Albert King
From Album "Born Under a Bad Sign" (1967)
Albert King - The Hunter
“The Hunter” by Free
Live at Locarno Fillmore North January 1970
FREE - The Hunter (Live)
"The Hunter"
They call me the hunter
That's my name
A pretty little woman like you
Is my only game
I bought me a love gun
Just the other day
And I aim to aim it your way
Ain't no use to hide
Ain't no use to run
'Cause I got you in the sight
Of my girly gun
The first time I saw you
Standing on the street
I said to myself
Oh, ain't she sweet
I got my love gun loaded
With hundreds of kisses
Soon as I pull the trigger baby
There will be no misses
Ain't no use to hide
Ain't no use to run
'Cause I got you in the sight
Of my girly gun ...
狩の練習をする子猫に付き合わされる柴犬 kitten training to hunt
"The Hunter" by Albert King
From Album "Born Under a Bad Sign" (1967)
Albert King - The Hunter
“The Hunter” by Free
Live at Locarno Fillmore North January 1970
FREE - The Hunter (Live)

"The Hunter" by Albert King
From Album "Born Under a Bad Sign" (1967)
Albert King - The Hunter
“The Hunter” by Free
Live at Locarno Fillmore North January 1970
FREE - The Hunter (Live)
亀に興味はあるもののへっぴり腰すぎた柴犬 Dog Meets Turtle
"Turtle Blues" - Big Brother and the Holding Company
From Album "Cheap Thrills" (1968)
Big Brother and the Holding Company - Turtle Blues - YouTube
"Turtle Blues"
I ain't the kind of woman
Who'd make your life a bed of ease, ha ha ha ha!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm not the kind of woman, no,
To make your life a bed of ease.
Yeah, but if you, if you just want to go out drinkin', honey,
Won't you invite me along, please.
Oh, I'll be so good to ya babe, yeah!
Whoa, go on!
I guess I'm just like a turtle
That's hidin' underneath its horny shell.
Whoa, whoa, oh yeah, like a turtle
Hidin' underneath its hard-ass shell.
But you know I'm very well protected ????
I know this goddamn life too well. ...

"Turtle Blues" - Big Brother and the Holding Company
From Album "Cheap Thrills" (1968)
Big Brother and the Holding Company - Turtle Blues - YouTube
"Turtle Blues"
I ain't the kind of woman
Who'd make your life a bed of ease, ha ha ha ha!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm not the kind of woman, no,
To make your life a bed of ease.
Yeah, but if you, if you just want to go out drinkin', honey,
Won't you invite me along, please.
Oh, I'll be so good to ya babe, yeah!
Whoa, go on!
I guess I'm just like a turtle
That's hidin' underneath its horny shell.
Whoa, whoa, oh yeah, like a turtle
Hidin' underneath its hard-ass shell.
But you know I'm very well protected ????
I know this goddamn life too well. ...
亀に興味はあるもののへっぴり腰すぎた柴犬 Dog Meets Turtle
"Turtle Blues" - Big Brother and the Holding Company
From Album "Cheap Thrills" (1968)
Big Brother and the Holding Company - Turtle Blues - YouTube

"Turtle Blues" - Big Brother and the Holding Company
From Album "Cheap Thrills" (1968)
Big Brother and the Holding Company - Turtle Blues - YouTube
焦りすぎてうまくお手ができない柴犬 Give me your paw!
“Rock 'N' Roll Suicide” by David Bowie
From “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” (1972)
[David Bowie] ROCK 'N' ROLL SUICIDE With Lyrics HD
Rock'n roll Suicide - Live in Japan
Oh no, love, you're not alone
You're watching yourself, but you're too unfair
You got your head all tangled up, but if I could only make you care
Oh no, love, you're not alone
No matter what or who you've been
No matter when or where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone ...
Just turn on with me, and you're not alone
Let's turn on and be not alone
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Oh, gimme your hands ...

“Rock 'N' Roll Suicide” by David Bowie
From “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” (1972)
[David Bowie] ROCK 'N' ROLL SUICIDE With Lyrics HD
Rock'n roll Suicide - Live in Japan
Oh no, love, you're not alone
You're watching yourself, but you're too unfair
You got your head all tangled up, but if I could only make you care
Oh no, love, you're not alone
No matter what or who you've been
No matter when or where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone ...
Just turn on with me, and you're not alone
Let's turn on and be not alone
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Oh, gimme your hands ...
焦りすぎてうまくお手ができない柴犬 Give me your paw!
“Rock 'N' Roll Suicide”by David Bowie
From “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” (1972)
[David Bowie] ROCK 'N' ROLL SUICIDE With Lyrics HD
Rock'n roll Suicide - Live in Japan
Oh no, love, you're not alone
You're watching yourself, but you're too unfair
You got your head all tangled up, but if I could only make you care
Oh no, love, you're not alone
No matter what or who you've been
No matter when or where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone ...
Just turn on with me, and you're not alone
Let's turn on and be not alone
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Oh, gimme your hands ...

“Rock 'N' Roll Suicide”by David Bowie
From “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” (1972)
[David Bowie] ROCK 'N' ROLL SUICIDE With Lyrics HD
Rock'n roll Suicide - Live in Japan
Oh no, love, you're not alone
You're watching yourself, but you're too unfair
You got your head all tangled up, but if I could only make you care
Oh no, love, you're not alone
No matter what or who you've been
No matter when or where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone ...
Just turn on with me, and you're not alone
Let's turn on and be not alone
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
Oh, gimme your hands ...
柴犬と黒猫 日曜日の朝 a sunday morning
“Sunday Morning” by The Velvet Underground and Nico
from " The Velvet Underground and Nico" (1967)
Velvet Underground-"Sunday Morning" from "Velvet Underground and Nico" LP
The Velvet Underground, Nico - Sunday Morning - YouTube
Sunday morning brings the dawn in
It's just a restless feeling by my side
Early dawning, Sunday morning
It's just the wasted years so close behind
Watch out, the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all
Sunday morning and I'm falling
I've got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning, Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed not so long ago
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning ...

“Sunday Morning” by The Velvet Underground and Nico
from " The Velvet Underground and Nico" (1967)
Velvet Underground-"Sunday Morning" from "Velvet Underground and Nico" LP
The Velvet Underground, Nico - Sunday Morning - YouTube
Sunday morning brings the dawn in
It's just a restless feeling by my side
Early dawning, Sunday morning
It's just the wasted years so close behind
Watch out, the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all
Sunday morning and I'm falling
I've got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning, Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed not so long ago
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning ...
柴犬と黒猫 日曜日の朝 a sunday morning
“Sunday Morning” by The Velvet Underground and Nico
from " The Velvet Underground and Nico" (1967)
Velvet Underground-"Sunday Morning" from "Velvet Underground and Nico" LP
The Velvet Underground, Nico - Sunday Morning - YouTube
Sunday morning and I'm falling
I've got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning, Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed not so long ago
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning ...

“Sunday Morning” by The Velvet Underground and Nico
from " The Velvet Underground and Nico" (1967)
Velvet Underground-"Sunday Morning" from "Velvet Underground and Nico" LP
The Velvet Underground, Nico - Sunday Morning - YouTube
Sunday morning and I'm falling
I've got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning, Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed not so long ago
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning ...
パトロールするニャ Cat go on patrol
Marine Boy 海底少年マリン OP English Subtitles
“ゴーゴーマリン”(1969年 ? 1970年)
OK OK 七つの海は
ぼくがひとりで ひきうけた
赤いスーツに ハイドロジェット
敵をけちらす ブーメラン
ゴーゴーマリン ゴーゴーマリン
P1-0(ピーワンゼロ)号 パトロール ...

Marine Boy 海底少年マリン OP English Subtitles
“ゴーゴーマリン”(1969年 ? 1970年)
OK OK 七つの海は
ぼくがひとりで ひきうけた
赤いスーツに ハイドロジェット
敵をけちらす ブーメラン
ゴーゴーマリン ゴーゴーマリン
P1-0(ピーワンゼロ)号 パトロール ...
パトロールするニャ Cat go on patrol
Marine Boy 海底少年マリン OP English Subtitles
OK OK 七つの海は
ぼくがひとりで ひきうけた
赤いスーツに ハイドロジェット
敵をけちらす ブーメラン
ゴーゴーマリン ゴーゴーマリン
P1-0(ピーワンゼロ)号 パトロール ...

Marine Boy 海底少年マリン OP English Subtitles
OK OK 七つの海は
ぼくがひとりで ひきうけた
赤いスーツに ハイドロジェット
敵をけちらす ブーメラン
ゴーゴーマリン ゴーゴーマリン
P1-0(ピーワンゼロ)号 パトロール ...
柴犬もも 庭にいのししがやってきた
“Pressed Rat and Warthog” by Cream
From Album “Wheels of Fire”
Live @ Royal Albert Hall 2005
Cream - Pressed Rat And Warthog (Royal Albert Hall 2005) (4 of 22)
“Pressed Rat and Warthog”
Pressed Rat and Warthog have closed down their shop.
They didn't want to, 'twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And Pressed Rat's collection of dog legs and feet.
Sadly they left, telling no one goodbye.
Pressed Rat wore red jodhpurs, Warthog a striped tie.
Between them they carried a three-legged sack,
Went straight round the corner and never came back.
The bad captain madman had ordered their fate.
He laughed and stomped off with a nautical gate.
The gate turned into a deroga tree,
And his peg-leg got woodworm and broke into three.
Pressed Rat and Warthog have closed down their shop.
They didn't want to, 'twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And Pressed Rats collection of dog legs and feet...

“Pressed Rat and Warthog” by Cream
From Album “Wheels of Fire”
Live @ Royal Albert Hall 2005
Cream - Pressed Rat And Warthog (Royal Albert Hall 2005) (4 of 22)
“Pressed Rat and Warthog”
Pressed Rat and Warthog have closed down their shop.
They didn't want to, 'twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And Pressed Rat's collection of dog legs and feet.
Sadly they left, telling no one goodbye.
Pressed Rat wore red jodhpurs, Warthog a striped tie.
Between them they carried a three-legged sack,
Went straight round the corner and never came back.
The bad captain madman had ordered their fate.
He laughed and stomped off with a nautical gate.
The gate turned into a deroga tree,
And his peg-leg got woodworm and broke into three.
Pressed Rat and Warthog have closed down their shop.
They didn't want to, 'twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And Pressed Rats collection of dog legs and feet...
暑さでやる気も体もとろけた自宅警備隊 It's so hot that cat can't get motivated
“Hot Summer Day” by It's A Beautiful Day
from their 1st Album “It's A Beautiful Day” (1969)
It's a Beautiful Day - Hot Summer Day
“Hot Summer Day”
Hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Carry me along
Oh, hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Please carry me along
Hot summer day
Carry me along
To its end
Where I begin
Long summer dream (Long summer dream)
Sliding round my mind
Those long summer dreams (Long summer dream)
Are leaving me behind
Hot summer day
Carry me along
To its end
Where I begin
They told me that the sun turned green
I said I didn't know
And they told me that the moon turned blue
I said it didn't show
And they told me that I looked a fool
And I said I'd let that go
But when they told me that our love was dead
I had to turn and go
Oh love
Where did you go? ...

“Hot Summer Day” by It's A Beautiful Day
from their 1st Album “It's A Beautiful Day” (1969)
It's a Beautiful Day - Hot Summer Day
“Hot Summer Day”
Hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Carry me along
Oh, hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Please carry me along
Hot summer day
Carry me along
To its end
Where I begin
Long summer dream (Long summer dream)
Sliding round my mind
Those long summer dreams (Long summer dream)
Are leaving me behind
Hot summer day
Carry me along
To its end
Where I begin
They told me that the sun turned green
I said I didn't know
And they told me that the moon turned blue
I said it didn't show
And they told me that I looked a fool
And I said I'd let that go
But when they told me that our love was dead
I had to turn and go
Oh love
Where did you go? ...
暑さでやる気も体もとろけた自宅警備隊 It's so hot that cat can't get motivated
“Hot Summer Day” by It's A Beautiful Day
from their 1st Album “It's A Beautiful Day” (1969)
It's a Beautiful Day - Hot Summer Day
“Hot Summer Day”
Hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Carry me along
Oh, hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Please carry me along
Hot summer day
Carry me along
To its end
Where I begin
Oh love
Where did you go? ...

“Hot Summer Day” by It's A Beautiful Day
from their 1st Album “It's A Beautiful Day” (1969)
It's a Beautiful Day - Hot Summer Day
“Hot Summer Day”
Hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Carry me along
Oh, hot summer day (Hot summer day)
Please carry me along
Hot summer day
Carry me along
To its end
Where I begin
Oh love
Where did you go? ...
柴犬もも 病院で狂犬病の予防注射とフロントラインをしてもらう、の巻(Dog Rabies Shots and apply Frontline)
“Doctor Robert” ? The Beatles
From “Revolver” (1966)
The Beatles - Doctor Robert
The Beatles - Doctor Robert (US Mono)
From “Yesterday And Today” ("butcher" cover)
“Doctor Robert”
Ring, my friend, I said you'd call
Doctor Robert
Day or night he'll be there any time at all
Doctor Robert
Doctor Robert
You're a new and better man
He helps you to understand
He does everything he can
Doctor Robert
If you're down, he'll pick you up
Doctor Robert
Take a drink from his special cup
Doctor Robert
Doctor Robert
He's a man you must believe
Helping anyone in need
No one can succeed like
Doctor Robert
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine
Well, well, well, he'll make you
Doctor Robert ...

“Doctor Robert” ? The Beatles
From “Revolver” (1966)
The Beatles - Doctor Robert
The Beatles - Doctor Robert (US Mono)
From “Yesterday And Today” ("butcher" cover)
“Doctor Robert”
Ring, my friend, I said you'd call
Doctor Robert
Day or night he'll be there any time at all
Doctor Robert
Doctor Robert
You're a new and better man
He helps you to understand
He does everything he can
Doctor Robert
If you're down, he'll pick you up
Doctor Robert
Take a drink from his special cup
Doctor Robert
Doctor Robert
He's a man you must believe
Helping anyone in need
No one can succeed like
Doctor Robert
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine
Well, well, well, he'll make you
Doctor Robert ...
柴犬もも 病院で狂犬病の予防注射とフロントラインをしてもらう、の巻(Dog Rabies Shots and apply Frontline)
“Doctor Robert” ? The Beatles
From “Revolver” (1966)
The Beatles - Doctor Robert
The Beatles - Doctor Robert (US Mono)
From “Yesterday And Today” ("butcher" cover)
“Doctor Robert”
Doctor Robert
He's a man you must believe
Helping anyone in need
No one can succeed like
Doctor Robert
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine
Well, well, well, he'll make you
Doctor Robert ...

“Doctor Robert” ? The Beatles
From “Revolver” (1966)
The Beatles - Doctor Robert
The Beatles - Doctor Robert (US Mono)
From “Yesterday And Today” ("butcher" cover)
“Doctor Robert”
Doctor Robert
He's a man you must believe
Helping anyone in need
No one can succeed like
Doctor Robert
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine
Well, well, well, he'll make you
Doctor Robert ...
柴犬と黒猫の内緒話 secret talking dog and cat
“Keep it to Yourself” - Sonny Boy Williamson II
From Album “Down and Out Blues” (1959)
Sonny Boy Williamson - Keep it to Yourself
“Keep it to Yourself”
Baby, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
Please, darling, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
I don't want you to tell nobody in your family
And don't mention it to nobody else
Don't tell your mother
Don't tell your father
Don't tell your sister
Don't mention it to your brother
Please, darling, keep our business to yourself
Don't you tell nobody
And don't mention it to nobody else ...

“Keep it to Yourself” - Sonny Boy Williamson II
From Album “Down and Out Blues” (1959)
Sonny Boy Williamson - Keep it to Yourself
“Keep it to Yourself”
Baby, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
Please, darling, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
I don't want you to tell nobody in your family
And don't mention it to nobody else
Don't tell your mother
Don't tell your father
Don't tell your sister
Don't mention it to your brother
Please, darling, keep our business to yourself
Don't you tell nobody
And don't mention it to nobody else ...
柴犬と黒猫の内緒話 secret talking dog and cat
“Keep it to Yourself” - Sonny Boy Williamson II
From Album “Down and Out Blues” (1959)
Sonny Boy Williamson - Keep it to Yourself
“Keep it to Yourself”
Baby, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
Please, darling, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
I don't want you to tell nobody in your family
And don't mention it to nobody else ...

“Keep it to Yourself” - Sonny Boy Williamson II
From Album “Down and Out Blues” (1959)
Sonny Boy Williamson - Keep it to Yourself
“Keep it to Yourself”
Baby, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
Please, darling, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself
I don't want you to tell nobody in your family
And don't mention it to nobody else ...
朝、やたらテンションの高い猫とやる気が行方不明の柴犬 The Cat is full of energy from morning
"Good Morning Good Morning" - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
Good morning, good morning - The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA) [Original]
"Good Morning Good Morning"
Nothing to do to save his life call his wife in
Nothing to say but what a day how's your boy been
Nothing to do it's up to you
I've got nothing to say but it's okay
Good morning, Good morning
Going to work don't want to go feeling low down
Heading for home you start to roam then you're in town
Everybody knows there's nothing doing
Everything is closed it's like a ruin
Everyone you see is half asleep
And you're on your own you're in the street
Good morning, Good morning ...
People running round it's five o'clock
Everywhere in town is getting dark
Everyone you see is full of life
It's time for tea and meet the wife
Somebody needs to know the time, glad that I'm here
Watching the skirts you start to flirt now you're in gear
Go to a show you hope she goes
I've got nothing to say but it's okay
Good morning, Good morning ...

"Good Morning Good Morning" - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
Good morning, good morning - The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA) [Original]
"Good Morning Good Morning"
Nothing to do to save his life call his wife in
Nothing to say but what a day how's your boy been
Nothing to do it's up to you
I've got nothing to say but it's okay
Good morning, Good morning
Going to work don't want to go feeling low down
Heading for home you start to roam then you're in town
Everybody knows there's nothing doing
Everything is closed it's like a ruin
Everyone you see is half asleep
And you're on your own you're in the street
Good morning, Good morning ...
People running round it's five o'clock
Everywhere in town is getting dark
Everyone you see is full of life
It's time for tea and meet the wife
Somebody needs to know the time, glad that I'm here
Watching the skirts you start to flirt now you're in gear
Go to a show you hope she goes
I've got nothing to say but it's okay
Good morning, Good morning ...
朝、やたらテンションの高い猫とやる気が行方不明の柴犬 The Cat is full of energy from morning
"Good Morning Good Morning" - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
Good morning, good morning - The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA) [Original]
"Good Morning Good Morning"
Nothing to do to save his life call his wife in
Nothing to say but what a day how's your boy been
Nothing to do it's up to you
I've got nothing to say but it's okay
Good morning, Good morning ...

"Good Morning Good Morning" - The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
Good morning, good morning - The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA) [Original]
"Good Morning Good Morning"
Nothing to do to save his life call his wife in
Nothing to say but what a day how's your boy been
Nothing to do it's up to you
I've got nothing to say but it's okay
Good morning, Good morning ...
刈りたての草の匂いに大はしゃぎで走り回る柴犬 Very frolicsome dog
“Run Like Hell” by Pink Floyd
from Album “The Wall” (1979)
(22) THE WALL: Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell - YouTube
Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell (Live) August 9th, 1980
“Run Like Hell”
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
You better make your face up in your favourite disguise
With your button down lips and your roller blind eyes
With your empty smile and your hungry heart
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters as the cockle shell shatters
And the hammers batter down the door
You better run ...
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
You better run all day and run all night
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside
And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight
You better park the car well out of sight
Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to Mother in a cardboard box
You better run good ...

“Run Like Hell” by Pink Floyd
from Album “The Wall” (1979)
(22) THE WALL: Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell - YouTube
Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell (Live) August 9th, 1980
“Run Like Hell”
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
You better make your face up in your favourite disguise
With your button down lips and your roller blind eyes
With your empty smile and your hungry heart
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters as the cockle shell shatters
And the hammers batter down the door
You better run ...
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
You better run all day and run all night
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside
And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight
You better park the car well out of sight
Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to Mother in a cardboard box
You better run good ...
刈りたての草の匂いに大はしゃぎで走り回る柴犬 Very frolicsome dog
“Run Like Hell” by Pink Floyd
from Album “The Wall” (1979)
(22) THE WALL: Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell - YouTube
Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell (Live) August 9th, 1980
“Run Like Hell”
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
You better run all day and run all night
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside
And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight
You better park the car well out of sight
Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to Mother in a cardboard box
You better run good ...

“Run Like Hell” by Pink Floyd
from Album “The Wall” (1979)
(22) THE WALL: Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell - YouTube
Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell (Live) August 9th, 1980
“Run Like Hell”
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
Run. Run. Run. Run
You better run all day and run all night
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside
And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight
You better park the car well out of sight
Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to Mother in a cardboard box
You better run good ...
夏!散歩の後はお水をガブガブいっちゃうよね Morning walk in the river.
Traveling Riverside Blues [Remastered] ROBERT JOHNSON (1937) Delta Blues Guitar Legend ...
“Travelling Riverside Blues” - Led Zeppelin
From “BBC Sessions” 1969 BBC Live
Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues (promo video) - YouTube
“Travelling Riverside Blues”
If your man get personal, want to have your fun
If your man get personal, want to have your fun
Best come on back to Friar's Point, mama, barrelhouse all night long
I got women's in Vicksburg, clean on into Tennessee
I got women's in Vicksburg, clean on into Tennessee
But my Friar's Point rider, now, hops all over me
I ain't gon' to state no color but her front teeth crowned with gold
I ain't gon' to state no color but her front teeth is crowned with gold
She got a mortgage on my body, now, layin' on my soul
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
We can still barrelhouse baby, on the riverside
Now you can squeeze my lemon 'til the juice run down my
'Til the juice rune down my leg, baby, you know what I'm talkin' about
You can squeeze my lemon 'til the juice run down my leg
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout, now
But I'm goin' back to Friar's Point, if I be rockin'to my head ...

Traveling Riverside Blues [Remastered] ROBERT JOHNSON (1937) Delta Blues Guitar Legend ...
“Travelling Riverside Blues” - Led Zeppelin
From “BBC Sessions” 1969 BBC Live
Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues (promo video) - YouTube
“Travelling Riverside Blues”
If your man get personal, want to have your fun
If your man get personal, want to have your fun
Best come on back to Friar's Point, mama, barrelhouse all night long
I got women's in Vicksburg, clean on into Tennessee
I got women's in Vicksburg, clean on into Tennessee
But my Friar's Point rider, now, hops all over me
I ain't gon' to state no color but her front teeth crowned with gold
I ain't gon' to state no color but her front teeth is crowned with gold
She got a mortgage on my body, now, layin' on my soul
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
We can still barrelhouse baby, on the riverside
Now you can squeeze my lemon 'til the juice run down my
'Til the juice rune down my leg, baby, you know what I'm talkin' about
You can squeeze my lemon 'til the juice run down my leg
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout, now
But I'm goin' back to Friar's Point, if I be rockin'to my head ...
夏!散歩の後はお水をガブガブいっちゃうよね Morning walk in the river.
Traveling Riverside Blues [Remastered] ROBERT JOHNSON (1937) Delta Blues Guitar Legend ...
“Travelling Riverside Blues” - Led Zeppelin
From “BBC Sessions” 1969 BBC Live
Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues (promo video) - YouTube
“Travelling Riverside Blues”
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
We can still barrelhouse baby, on the riverside ...

Traveling Riverside Blues [Remastered] ROBERT JOHNSON (1937) Delta Blues Guitar Legend ...
“Travelling Riverside Blues” - Led Zeppelin
From “BBC Sessions” 1969 BBC Live
Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues (promo video) - YouTube
“Travelling Riverside Blues”
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
Lord, I'm goin' to Rosedale, gon' take my rider by my side
We can still barrelhouse baby, on the riverside ...
大歓迎のはずがパパをすねさせてしまった柴犬 Dogs Welcoming Owners Home
"Hit the Road Jack" - Ray Charles
Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (Original) - YouTube
"Hit the Road Jack"
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
What you say?
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
Woah Woman, oh woman, don't treat me so mean,
You're the meanest old woman that I've ever seen.
I guess if you said so
I'd have to pack my things and go. (That's right) ...

"Hit the Road Jack" - Ray Charles
Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (Original) - YouTube
"Hit the Road Jack"
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
What you say?
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
Woah Woman, oh woman, don't treat me so mean,
You're the meanest old woman that I've ever seen.
I guess if you said so
I'd have to pack my things and go. (That's right) ...
大歓迎のはずがパパをすねさせてしまった柴犬 Dogs Welcoming Owners Home
"Hit the Road Jack" - Ray Charles
Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (Original) - YouTube
"Hit the Road Jack"
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
What you say?
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
Now baby, listen baby, don't ya treat me this-a way
Cause I'll be back on my feet some day.
(Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood)
(you ain't got no money you just ain't no good.)
Well, I guess if you say so
I'd have to pack my things and go. (That's right) ...

"Hit the Road Jack" - Ray Charles
Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (Original) - YouTube
"Hit the Road Jack"
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
What you say?
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.)
Now baby, listen baby, don't ya treat me this-a way
Cause I'll be back on my feet some day.
(Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood)
(you ain't got no money you just ain't no good.)
Well, I guess if you say so
I'd have to pack my things and go. (That's right) ...
猫の警備隊長、怪しい何かを追跡中!Cat chasing something
"Lucifer Sam" - Pink Floyd
From Album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" 「夜明けの口笛吹き」(1967)
Pink Floyd with Syd Barrett - Lucifer Sam
"Lucifer Sam"
Lucifer Sam, Siam cat
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side
That cat's something I can't explain
Ginger, ginger, Jennifer Gentle you're a witch
You're the left side
He's the right side
Oh, no!
That cat's something I can't explain
Lucifer go to sea
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat
Somewhere, anywhere
That cat's something I can't explain
At night prowling sifting sand
Hiding around on the ground
He'll be found when you're around
That cat's something I can't explain ...

"Lucifer Sam" - Pink Floyd
From Album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" 「夜明けの口笛吹き」(1967)
Pink Floyd with Syd Barrett - Lucifer Sam
"Lucifer Sam"
Lucifer Sam, Siam cat
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side
That cat's something I can't explain
Ginger, ginger, Jennifer Gentle you're a witch
You're the left side
He's the right side
Oh, no!
That cat's something I can't explain
Lucifer go to sea
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat
Somewhere, anywhere
That cat's something I can't explain
At night prowling sifting sand
Hiding around on the ground
He'll be found when you're around
That cat's something I can't explain ...
猫の警備隊長、怪しい何かを追跡中!Cat chasing something
"Lucifer Sam" - Pink Floyd
From Album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" 「夜明けの口笛吹き」(1967)
Pink Floyd with Syd Barrett - Lucifer Sam
"Lucifer Sam"
Lucifer Sam, Siam cat
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side
That cat's something I can't explain
Ginger, ginger, Jennifer Gentle you're a witch
You're the left side
He's the right side
Oh, no!
That cat's something I can't explain
Lucifer go to sea
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat
Somewhere, anywhere
That cat's something I can't explain
At night prowling sifting sand
Hiding around on the ground
He'll be found when you're around
That cat's something I can't explain ...

"Lucifer Sam" - Pink Floyd
From Album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" 「夜明けの口笛吹き」(1967)
Pink Floyd with Syd Barrett - Lucifer Sam
"Lucifer Sam"
Lucifer Sam, Siam cat
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side
That cat's something I can't explain
Ginger, ginger, Jennifer Gentle you're a witch
You're the left side
He's the right side
Oh, no!
That cat's something I can't explain
Lucifer go to sea
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat
Somewhere, anywhere
That cat's something I can't explain
At night prowling sifting sand
Hiding around on the ground
He'll be found when you're around
That cat's something I can't explain ...
自宅警備とパパの相手で忙しい柴犬と黒猫 Cat and Dog security guard
『ザ・ガードマン』オープニング (1965年〜)テーマ曲『ガードマンの歌』

『ザ・ガードマン』オープニング (1965年〜)テーマ曲『ガードマンの歌』
自宅警備とパパの相手で忙しい柴犬と黒猫 Cat and Dog security guard
『ザ・ガードマン』オープニング (1965年〜)テーマ曲『ガードマンの歌』

『ザ・ガードマン』オープニング (1965年〜)テーマ曲『ガードマンの歌』
散歩の後のまったりお手入れタイム Dog and Cat grooming after taking a walk
“Walk on the Wild Side” - Lou Reed
From his 2nd Solo Album “Transformer” (1972)
Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed lyrics
“Walk on the Wild Side”
Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the streets
Lookin' for soul food and a place to eat
Went to the Apollo
You should have seen him go, go, go
They said, hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side, alright, huh
Jackie is just speeding away
Thought she was James Dean for a day
Then I guess she had to crash
Valium would have helped that bash
She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
And the colored girls say
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ...

“Walk on the Wild Side” - Lou Reed
From his 2nd Solo Album “Transformer” (1972)
Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed lyrics
“Walk on the Wild Side”
Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the streets
Lookin' for soul food and a place to eat
Went to the Apollo
You should have seen him go, go, go
They said, hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side, alright, huh
Jackie is just speeding away
Thought she was James Dean for a day
Then I guess she had to crash
Valium would have helped that bash
She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
And the colored girls say
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ...
散歩の後のまったりお手入れタイム Dog and Cat grooming after taking a walk
“Walk on the Wild Side” - Lou Reed
From his 2nd Solo Album “Transformer” (1972)
Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed lyrics
“Walk on the Wild Side”
Jackie is just speeding away
Thought she was James Dean for a day
Then I guess she had to crash
Valium would have helped that bash
She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
And the colored girls say
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ...

“Walk on the Wild Side” - Lou Reed
From his 2nd Solo Album “Transformer” (1972)
Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed lyrics
“Walk on the Wild Side”
Jackie is just speeding away
Thought she was James Dean for a day
Then I guess she had to crash
Valium would have helped that bash
She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
And the colored girls say
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ...
森野「真面目にそんなこと考えてるの? だって私達ガチレズなのよ?ふふふ」
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